Blacksmith Groups

A Blacksmith Group is group of two to four men that gather regularly for prayer, accountability, encouragement, and the study of God's Word. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

Purpose: To glorify God by making disciples who will impact every area of the world for Christ.

Getting Started

1. Pray and ask God to bring one to three men to mind that He would have for your group.

2. Contact these men, pick a date and time to meet weekly or even bi-weekly if possible.

3. Open your Blacksmith Group meeting with prayer, and dedicate your time together with Him.

4. Make it known that all conversations are to be kept confidential. Share as openly as possible.

5. Move into accountability by asking each other some of the suggested questions listed below.

6. Encourage each other to look to God for strength. Contact each other during the week to see how you're doing.

7. After having met for a few weeks and you've built closer relationships, you may want to start reading a Christian book or study book and review it together during your group meetings.

8. Close your group meetings with prayer and thanksgiving. Lift each other up in prayer now and throughout the week.

Suggested Accountability Questions

  1. How many days since we last met have you read the Bible?
  2. How many days since we last met have you spent time in prayer (goal of 15 minutes per day)?
  3. Have you spent 20 minutes at least one time this week with your wife where you've sat down and listened to her?
  4. Have you been in any situations with the opposite sex which may have appeared inappropriate?
  5. Have you exposed yourself to any explicit material since we last met?
  6. Have you been a good steward of the finances which God has entrusted you?
  7. Have you considered making any major commitment of time, and is this in keeping with your spiritual gifts and other commitments to God, spouse and family?
  8. In what area have you found it most difficult to trust God?
  9. What is the name of one person whose salvation God has laid on your heart?
  10. Have you lied or misrepresented the truth in answering any of the above questions?

Study Resources

Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper... (click on the Promise Keepers tab above).

Dear Brothers,

Having first hand experience, I can tell you that a Blacksmith Group is a great way for men to meet with fellow brothers in Christ for accountability and growth in your spiritual life. It will enhance your personal walk with the Lord, your marriage and family life, and how you conduct yourself as a "godly man" in day to day living. If you have any questions regarding information on this page, please feel free to contact me any time. I look forward to hearing from you.

God Bless You Brothers!

Love In Christ,
Paul4Jesus <><